Hey guys, the above address will link you to our Discovery Camp shots!
Thanks for participating and I hope you guys had an enjoyable time around Singapore famous tourist spots!:)
Cheers and see you guys very soon!
What are we?
An informal group gathering of international students in SIM who are interested in improving their English, meet new friends, and have fun!
Our weekly meetings are on First week of tuesdays every month, 6pm- 7.30pm in school. Students can check the SIM E-Board "IFG Meeting" for the location of our meetings.
The IFG is a project run by the SIM-SCF, an official and recognized student club in SIM. The IFG seeks to help international students in SIM by engaging them in English conversations and befriending them.
When is IFG held?
Every Tuesday from 5.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. We also organise informal events once every 2 months.
Where will IFG be held?
In SIM. Location of venues will be up on the e-board and school noticeboard. Emails will be sent out to contacts for regular updates.
What other activities does IFG has?
SIM-SCF organizes a bimonthly eating gathering in someone’s home and occasional study groups.
What kinds of programmes are there during the IFG meeting?
To help people improve and speak English, we play For e.g., word/ vocabulary games like Pictionary, Boogle, hangman ...etc., do sharing activities and topics for discussions. Sometimes we do tips on grammar, speaking and writing. The activities will enable participants to share about themselves and their culture, and also discuss issues related to student life.
How do I join?
Drop us a note at internationalfriendshipgroup@gmail.com
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