Saturday, May 12, 2007

8/5/2007 Meeting

a picture of Evelyn having a hard time opening up the packet of m&ms(hand models from left: Evelyn, Dori)
Update TIME! This time round, Evelyn bought some M&Ms. Wonder what was up her sleeves..anyway, we played this game: everyone had to pick an m&m, and whatever colour the chocolate was, we had to pick a paper representing the colour we chose. The questions were very interesting. One was "if you had a child, which gender would you prefer your child to be?" We had a tie; 1/1. hehe..Fiona wanted a girl 'cos they would be able to enjoy similar interests in the future, and she would like to doll her up.haha. I wanted a baby boy cos they tend to be more playful and interesting.( its just an opinon coming from me, no discrimination involved)
Another question that was raised was: "If you had a month to go on a holiday, where would you go?" Everyone had that question: Switzerland, Korea, Mynammar, Greece topped our lists of destinations! **sighhh..if only right...

Till our next meeting...:)
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