Wednesday, April 25, 2007

24th April Meeting- What are you GOOD and BAD at?

Tuesday's session was pretty much like a mini English lesson on grammer and sentence structure. Well, it wasn't all boring...we got to know how each others' good and bad areas. All of us were supposed to come up with sentences beginning with, "I am good at..., I am bad at....etc."
One random quote that I can remember is "I am a good cook, better than my housemates" That comment drew lots of throat clearing *AHEMS!!!Well, that was from Lui Xing.HAHA.

Good news! Our dear friend Thao brought along 2 new friends, and we were glad to meet them. Both of them have got the same name, (so coincidental right..)and both are from Myanmar. We learnt through the lesson that Dori is very Singaporean; she speaks with "la" at the back of her sentences....hahah..hmm, she's well integrated in singlish already! May on the other hand has been learning English since she was 6! No wonder she speaks pretty fluently!

PS: There's no IFG meeting next tuesday (labour day:P) So, we'll see each other the week after labour day then..don't miss us too much